Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to Make Kombucha Tea

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 I just love video's that are informative, clear and not filmed at a weird angle from a laptop with lots of background noise. This video is worth the thirteen minutes....this video is even worth watching if you really don't think you will ever get around to this project.

 At least you can tell your friends you know how to make the tea ( they probably don't know how to make their own beer or wine...well, most of them..) When they tease you about what you spend on your GT's Kombucha addiction remind them you will begin making your own... any day now...

So, are you ready to give it a try?

Kamp’s Simple Kombucha Recipe - 1-Gallon
(Scale up or down depending on the size of your vessel)
  • 1 cup sugar (organic tastes better, but white works - make sure it says “cane” to avoid GMO beet sugar) 
  • 4-6 bags tea - for loose leaf, 1 bag of tea = 1 tsp (organic tastes better) 
  • Starter Culture 
  • 1 cup starter liquid 
  • purified/bottled water tea kettle - to make hot water, or make sun tea brewing
  • vessel - glass/porcelain is preferred but stainless steel, oak & food grade plastic may be used 
  • cloth cover - up-cycle an old t-shirt or tea towel - make sure the weave is tight to prevent fruit flies 
  • rubber band 
  • Boil 4 cups of water. 
  • Add hot water & tea bags to pot or brewing vessel. 
  • Steep 5-7 minutes, then remove tea bags. 
  • Add sugar and stir to dissolve. 
  • Fill vessel most of the way with purified water, leaving just 1-2 inches from the top for breathing room with purified cold water. 
  • Add SCOBY and starter liquid. 
  • Cover with cloth cover and secure with the rubber band. 
  • Say a prayer, send good vibes, commune with your culture (optional but recommended). 
  • Set in a warm location with good air flow out of direct sunlight (unless vessel is opaque). Atop the fridge is usually a good location. Do not disturb for 7 days. 
  • After 7 days, or when you are ready to taste your KT, gently insert a straw beneath the SCOBY and take a sip. If too tart, then reduce your brewing cycle next time. If too sweet, allow to brew for a few more days. Continue to taste every day or so until you reach your optimum flavor preference. Your own Kombucha Tea Recipe may vary. 
  • Decant & flavor (optional). See flavoring recipe video below. 
  • Drink as desired! Start off with 4-8oz on an empty stomach in the morning, then with meals to help with digestion or as your body tells you it would like some more! Drink plenty of water as it is a natural detoxifier and you want to flush the newly released toxins out.

Dangers of brewing one's own Kombucha can be avoided by following a few simple guidelines. I mean, who wants to get sick from something so healthy?

1)" Anything that comes into contact with your Kombucha tea at any time must be sterile."
2) Care of your Kombucha culture: " Do not let it touch anything 'metal' and keep it stored under proper conditions - glass jar."
3)  " Do not try to heat it up to make the kombucha brewing process go faster. It should be brewed in a well ventilated, warm but not hot area" don't want to introduce nasty microorganisms.
4)  Remember the importance of proper storage: " Make sure that you store your finished product in sterile containers that have no metal and are all glass. Kombucha can pull the properties from metal and transfer them to you in the tea.
kombucha danger

                        Happy and Safe Brewing!

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